the toilet.

Toilets in Japan

"Toilets in Japan and in some parts of Europe are high-tech wonders, overflowing with luxurious amenities such as heated seats, sound effects, built-in bidets and lids that raise automatically."                                                                                                                 

                                                                                                                                                  Heated seats

Japanese toilets are commonly equipped with heated seats, adjustable to temperatures of between 30 and 40 degrees celsius.


The built-in bottom sprayer is also a common feature in Japanese toilets, both for the front and the back, with varying pressure settings to cater to each individual's preference.

Open sesame!

No need for lifting the toilet seats manually anymore. Visual sensors detect users when they come close, and welcomes them with a flip of the seat.

Music to your ears

No more embarrassing 'bloops' during the course of your business. These toilets offer a wide range of soothing music to mask these unpleasant sounds.